Build a Bridge

There’s something instinctive about building a bridge, even if it’s just to span the smallest of streams, ditches or rivers. And kids certainly love the excitement of trying to build a natural structure – cos they just love playing outdoors and being creative, don’t they?

  • Be prepared to get dirty!
  • Use only fallen branches
  • Wrap up warm

Tips and advice

This adventure is part one of two… an experiment to introduce our young adventurers to a simple of the challenge; we will return to this challenge in the spring/summer when we can attempt to build a structure to span a wide stream. It was way too cold today to be falling into the water!

So, the idea is simple; get up early, enjoy a winter’s morning and find a water filled ditch or a small stream and use naturally fallen wood to build a bridge structure across that span of water. And then of course, you have all got to use the bridge … hopefully without getting wet!