Carrot, stick or fancy dress? What do you Doo?

I recently came across this post from our old site, and thought it was a good time to resurface it:

It’s sometimes hard to get children to take part in something that is good for them, but takes effort, causes fatigue and OK maybe even sometimes causes a little pain … like jogging.

So, what should we use to motivate them: A carrot? A stick?


Ever tried the fancy dress approach? You should, it works! Kids love dressing up and taking part in something dressed as a family in the theme of something fun, and it has an amazing motivational effect (partly because the children will enjoy seeing their parents/carers embarrassed and looking a bit silly). Also, it’s a leveller – all for one and all for one. Once you all get over the initial embarrassment, it’s really quite good fun.

OK, so a 13 year old Labrador (with the nickname, Diva) may not be as motivated to go for a run as we were, but judging from the video below I think Sally – I mean Scooby – quite enjoyed it.

As did we all.

Video: the Scooby Gang ‘Doo’ Jog Derbyshire


Jog Derbyshire – what’s on?
National Trust – Longshaw Estate