Crafty Family Adventures

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Calling all crafty adventure seekers!

The weather is changing for the better (ish)! So it’s time to pull your boots on and get adventuring! But, if you are Minecraft fanatics as well as budding family adventurers, why not try our Crafty Family Adventures challenge!

Each week we’ll set you a different family adventure task which you have to complete using both Minecraft and the outdoors.

All you have to do is:

  • Complete the adventure challenge (of course)

Challenge 5: Climb a Tree

Climbing a tree is something that you may have tried before but it is still a really enjoyable activity (although you may have to be prepared for a few scrapes and bumps!).  There’s no equipment needed either – just a large tree with strong branches and a handful of friends to try it with.Trees are everywhere and this challenge only takes a few minutes so there is no excuse for not trying it!

WARNING: Make sure the chosen tree isn’t rotten and don’t climb anything too tricky – it’s easier to get up then it is to get down!  

tree climb
2015-06-02_10.52.00 edit

Challenge 4: Dam a Stream

Damming streams is a really simple activity which can be harder then it looks! It can be great fun and you don’t need to take anything (except maybe a flask of hot chocolate for the workmens’ tea-break) –  all you need is some sticks and stones from the surrounding area. Don’t worry the stream does still flow through (on both Minecraft and in real-life) – water gets everywhere! It’s more about having a go, getting outside and having a dam good time!

WARNING: It would be a sensible idea to wear gloves when dealing with forest materials and make sure you don’t cut down anything living, like trees.  

Challenge 4 - dam MC JPEG
Challenge 4 - Dam! RW

Challenge 3: Cook and Eat Outdoors

Cooking and eating outdoors is a fun but easy activity to slot into the week. It could just be a barbecue in your backyard or a pasta dish in a nearby park or forest. It’s also really easy to complete on Minecraft – but it might look a little different to your real life meal!

So, after school sometime this week, pack your ‘tucksac’ and head outside and cook your favourite dish over a fire or gas-stove. Remember to take a photo of yourself enjoying your meal and send it in, along with a screenshot of your Minecraft dinner.

Cook MineCraft

Challenge 2: Build a Shelter

Having shelter is a fundamental need for survival but building one in Minecraft and when you’re out and about can also be great fun. There are many different designs that you can try out or create your own.

So, go out to some woodland and using any natural resources that you can find, build your own den. Don’t forget to take a photo of the finished product. Also build a shelter in Minecraft (it doesn’t have to be the same design) and save a screenshot. Send us your photo and screenshot.

Challenge 2 - shelter MC
Challenge 2 - shelter RW  

Other shelters made:

Challenge 2 - shelter MC Rebeccab  
Challenge 2 - shelter RW Rebeccab  

Challenge 1: Build a Bridge

For this  challenge you have to make a simple bridge and take a photo – that’s it. It doesn’t have to be anything grand or ambitious; just find a ditch or stream and try and span it using natural materials lying around. Then, make one in Minecraft and save a screenshot, and email the pictures to us.

mc bridge
finished bridge

Other bridges made:

Bridge Polly MC Bridge Polly RW  


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