DO – have an early morning PARK run
An early morning run – the best way to start the day
It takes a lot of effort to get up early and go for a run, especially at the weekend after a busy week, but you’re guaranteed to feel happier, healthier and certainly more awake on completion.
This activity is simply about getting up, getting out and doing it. You don’t need expensive trainers or running kit. Anyone, anywhere can get up earlier than normal and go for a gentle jog or strenuous workout .
Local running clubs or national organizations aiming to increase levels of activity and exercise and participation in sports run initiatives in local parks and public spaces – look on the internet for your nearest opportunity.
Running is a nice social activity, so invite some friends and neighbours on a run with you early one morning. They may initially think you are a bit bonkers, but encourage them to give it a go and they are bound to appreciate the benefits. You may even find yourself starting your own local family running club.
Things for the kids to do
- Winter wonderland: head out early on a frosty morning and leave fresh footsteps in snow or frost
- Write messages in the frost on benches and picnic tables for others to read later in the day
- Observe the magical ice crystal formations of fence posts and gates
- Skate on frozen puddles and watch the ice crack and fragment beneath your feet
An early morning run is just one of 100 family adventure ideas included in our book 100 Family Adventures.