DO Run, smile, natter
Running: discipline, determination and growth mindset
One of the great things about running is that you can do it absolutely anyway, with anyone, at any time of the day. It’s a great thing to do with others too, particularly with family members as it’s a good chance to enjoy the outdoors together, enjoyed the shared experience of exercise (and reddening faces), and if you run at the pace of the slowest member, you can have a good natter on the way around too. In fact, it’s sensible advice to run at a pace where you can still hold a conversation – then you can be sure you are not pushing yourself too hard (cos that might not be so good for you after all).
Running with your kids helps model the discipline of, well … being disciplined…. keeping going, not giving up, being determined and persevering etc etc
The simple act of encouraging your child to try hard, keep a pace going till the end will do their self perception a world of good and help develop their growth mindset.
Make a good run a very good run in deed
While out on your run and enjoying a nice leisurely pace enables you to look out for pieces of litter and trash discarded by others. Do your bit to help clean up the trails we use or the footpaths and cycle paths we enjoy by ridding them of any rubbish others purposely or mistakenly leave behind. Let’s be honest, wouldn’t we rather the environments we choose to go into for enjoyment and leisure be free of crap – even if it means we pick someone else’s litter up?
On our short run today (only 2.5 miles) we picked up six single-use plastic bottles/cups that we found thrown into the woods at the side of the path. Of course, we picked them up and brought them back to a recycling point.
In fact, we are on a mission to clear up 100,000 pieces of single-use plastic litter – that’s one piece for every sea mammal death from plastic debris per year. If you would like to help us with our effort, please visit this page and join in.