Don’t Go With the Flow

Find a stream; don’t go with the flow

This simple adventure is really just about looking for an alternative to the ‘beaten track’. Streams are magnets for families, picnikers and dog walkers – especially when the sun shows itself – so one way to avoid the crush is to head off in search of peace and tranquility, and of course, a little fun and adventure along the way.

  • Be brave!
  • Be prepared to get wet
  • Bruise potential!

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Look out for when a stream cuts a valley through a wooded area and follow its tight meanders. If the damp and cooler conditions don’t keep the picnikers away, then the midges certainly will. And the reward for efforts will be the sense that you are alone with nature and compelled to explore. Fallen branches make for exciting crossing points. A small leafy branch becomes a perfect fly swat. Mini waterfalls, rapids and plunge pools become fascinating play areas for children (and dogs).

Heading ‘off piste’ on a stream walk is one of the simplest ways to find a mini adventure. But never fear; when you return back onto the beaten track muddy, wet and maybe even a bit bruised or scraped, the ice cream van will still be there ! balance2