GO – Adventure Festival
Kendal Mountain Festival
We find adventure festivals such an amazing source of inspiration. OK, we see films and hear stories about people doing amazing things – and some crazy scary things, too – and quite often we are left thinking that ‘That’s amazing, but how can we do anything like that?”. This can be a little demotivating – if you let it – but we try hard not to let this get us down. Instead, we try and look at how we simplify or ‘tone down’ the adventurous idea we see/hear about i.e. take someone else’s idea and make it more family-friendly.
So it is with this in mind that we look forward with excitement and anticipation to the Kendal Mountain Festival being held this weekend in Kendal (surprise, surprise). We are looking forward to hearing tales of adventure, bravery and elite performance and then taking these away and turning them into something we can try and emulate in our own way – we call it DIY Adventure (Do It Your way).
There are loads of family specific events and films too, so there will be plenty for families to enjoy.
We suggest you try and make it if you can. You never know, you may come away inspired and motivated to embark on a family adventure of your own.
Check the festival programme of events here http://www.mountainfest.co.uk/programme
Image credit: http://www.mountainfest.co.uk/