Journey 2: Brighton Undercliff

One of the great appeals of our 500 Fresh Air Miles Challenge is that anyone can do it.

500 Miles might seem like a daunting and insurmountable – and this in itself might be enough to prevent you from starting in the first place – but if you break it down into smaller chunks, it all becomes a lot more manageable. You can apply this to any task or problem that feels to big take on.

We are breaking our 500 miles into some small, bitesized chunks e.g. 5 – 10 mile journeys, as well as attempting some bigger, more epic, journeys e.g. 100 miles (and maybe more).

The Brighton Undercliff walk allowed us to nibble some miles off our 500 mile target, as well as take in some local sites such as the Rottingdean windmill, the chalk cliffs and the impressive Brighton Marina complex. Making sure the journeys have places of interest along the way is important to us; it provides valuable informal learning opportunities which also help to take the mind of the walking!

This journey was completed as part of our 500 Fresh Air Miles Challenge.

journey 2