Journey 33 – 5 miles around Blenheim Palace

Bleinheim Palace grounds neighbours the caravan site that we are staying so it made sense to wander along the road for a visit and make the most of the vast grounds to complete another walk towards our total.
We bypassed the palace crowded by tourists and headed into the more remote parts of the grounds. In fact, once we’d wandered to the Victory Column which stands proud and erect on a clearing in the sprawling Palace grounds and once we were off the beaten track we hardly saw anyone else – only the occasional Blenheim Palace ranger or grounds worker. No, the hustle of people with cameras taking selfies was replaced by the more energetic bustle of pheasants running here and there as they indecisively  followed one-another, ran for cover, followed one-another again, ran for cover (you get the picture). Swans approached – hissed angrily at the dog we had with us – than left. Ducks and coots paddled and waded. And we all padded on doing what this Fresh Air Miles Challenge is all about: chatting, observing, thinking… enjoying the simplicities in life that a walk in the outdoors – somewhere new – brings.
Our challenge to complete 500 miles is not about long epic journeys or feats of awesomeness, or about racing against time; instead, it’s about taking life slowly and taking life in. Just like we did today.