Make a Rope Swing

Children love playing on playgrounds and in parks – climbing, swinging and jumping around. There is something natural about it. But, there is also something quite un-natural at the same time – after all, what’s natural about a man-made playground… a series of brightly coloured pieces of metal arranged carefully and precisely?

This adventure tries to put some of the ‘natural’ back into the outdoor play experience, and in doing so, makes for a much more thrilling experience!

  • A swinging good time!
  • Rope and knot-tieing skills helpful
  • You will get wet!

Safety Considerations

  • Make sure you use a decent rope. I used our static climbing rope because I knew there was no way it was going to break. I would never advise swinging on a rope that you find already attached to a tree. It’s a judgement call, of course, but better to be safe.
  • Make sure you choose a safe tree to swing on. This seems obvious but it’s worth stressing; choose a branch that not only is still living (has fresh leaves on it), but also offers a safe swinging arc – after all, swinging into something solid/sharp/stingy is no fun for anyone.Remember: a thick dead branch may look chunky and safe, but the chances are it won’t be as reliable as a thinner branch that is healthy and alive.
  • Check for hazards below the swing… and that means the full arc of the swing i.e. check below the surface of the water and the land-based area below the swing.
  • Water safety. Don’t let the excitement of the activity take your mind off the basics: make sure children wear buoyancy aids, at least initially until they are comfortable and confident with the swing and any swimming that may be required.Remember: even rivers can have dangerous under currents

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