The Climb Everest Challenge

Climbing Everest… in steps

What is it?

Climbing Everest is something that is unmanageable to most of us, especially if you’re a family like we are. But climbing smaller mountain peaks, like Snowdon or Ben Nevis (or anything, really), is manageable for even most inexperienced mountaineers or hill walkers. So the challenge we have recently set ourselves is to try and climb the height of Everest (8, 848m) by scaling smaller mountains (around or above 1000m). Ideally, we’ll climb the combined altitude of Everest in the fewest number of mountains we can.Whilst we won’t be experiencing the altitude or conditions of the world’s highest mountain, it will still be a challenge, and importantly, it is something manageable for families.

Why sit on your backside in lethargy over not being able to climb Everest, when you can climb Everest if you add a bit of DIY (Do It Your way) creativity.


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